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4.6 ( 2176 ratings )
Productivité Style de vie Shopping
Développeur Booodl Pty Ltd

booodl helps you to find the right store.

Save time by simply searching for a specific store, brand or product category and booodl will quickly find the stores closest to you. Or, explore stores by categories (electronics), collections (Classy Cool) or locations (Bondi Beach!) and discover exciting shopping destinations.

Once you find the right store on booodl you can save even more time by calling ahead, getting directions, catching an Uber or by receiving store opening hours. If you like getting involved with the shopping community then you can create a profile, rate your favourite (or least favourite) stores and bookmark these to get reminded when you are nearby*.

If you have any questions or just want to say hello then email us at [email protected]. Wed love to hear from you!


*Location-based notifications are sent while a user is walking if products they want are available nearby. Booodl does not send notifications while the handset is travelling faster than 7 km/hr (e.g. travelling in a car, train or plane). Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life. To conserve your battery, Booodl only uses GPS during "peak hours" (8AM to 8PM). Outside of these times (8PM to 8AM) we switch to a non-GPS mode to conserve your battery consumption.